Everything happening in 2025 - The Glass Palace Audiobook, the Blood and Rubies series, and Water Myths & Magic
All in Life
Everything happening in 2025 - The Glass Palace Audiobook, the Blood and Rubies series, and Water Myths & Magic
In this story, I wanted to explore the idea of monsters under the bed and things that go bump in the night.
I reach for a fairy tale (or retelling of one) nine times out of ten when I pick up a book.
Rebecca has one of the most famous opening lines of all time. Even if you haven't read the book you're likely to recognize it. It's become a part of pop culture.
“Hands down. This is probably the most fun I’ve had writing anything in my life.”
If I had to choose only a handful of stories to read for the rest of my life Tam Lin would be one of them.
Writing and publishing is a lot like open heart surgery, and in the end, instead of closing up and hiding it all away, people get invited inside to poke and prod. Why this type of stitch?
I’ve been writing all my life. It might sound a little cliche but it’s true. There were early diaries with pickable locks and smudged pencil scribbles, scraps of paper covered in ballpoint pen, printed pages, digital files, and everything in-between.
The reason I got out on a sunshiny Sunday afternoon was because my very good friend Lauren invited me to come see her sister play drums in the musical Girlfriend at the Lyric Theater.
‘Tis love that makes the world go round, my baby. - Charles Dickens
South Padre is everything you’d expect from a touristy beach town. Lots of brightly colored souvior shops with kitschy items that both kids loved, tiny bathing suits, funny (and risqué) T-shirt’s, and giant fish complete neon and flashing lights.
So, if it’s all about the journey and not the destination, when or where do you consider yourself successful? At what point do you feel like it’s enough?
There are things that remind me, tugging me into the past, the scent of homemade bread and oatmeal cookies, the taste of sun ripened tomatoes still hot from the summer garden.
Childhood is at once magical and terrible. It is full of things that terrify and amaze, the world an endless place filled with happiness and hurt.
2017 brought so many magical moments and as I started it go through photos it was hard to narrow down what I wanted to share.
And I would love to know how others deal with this in the pit of the night when you worry they might not go to college or find someone who really loves them because they were swearing like sailors as toddlers.
To me, it was just a sunset, not a particularly pretty one, nothing spectacular, just day slowly moving into night. But to him it was photograph worthy, to be oohed and aahed over, to be recorded and remembered as being spectacular.
Logically I know these moments are fleeting. Sometimes I feel it. And sometimes I feel like I'm doing good just to get their faces washed and teeth brushed.
Just as I get used to the idea of summer, fall is here. At least according to a school calendar. It's been a really long time since I've had to worry about sticking to a school schedule. But this week my four year old starts pre-k.