How To: Projection Photography
“set fire to your life. seek those who fan your flames.”
What you need:
• a projector
• a blank surface
• images
• tripod
• patience
I’ve been fascinated by projection photography for a long time and I've spent too many hours on Pinterest dreaming about doing my own session. Even before I bought my first DSLR I wanted to try something like this. I'm in love with the idea of layered images of light and shadow.
Buying a projector was always kind of on the back burner but when one popped up in a sale I snagged it. I didn’t get a super fancy one, I didn’t want to spend a ton but it needed to be decent. I’m happy with my choice and I'd recommend it but I haven’t tested it for anything else. I might have to soon though. I think the kids would really enjoy watching larger than life My Little Pony.
As always, editing makes a world of difference in photography and if you’re not already using something to get it done Lightroom is a good place to start. It took me awhile before I was really comfortable with it but The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom by Scott Kelby helped a lot and of course it just took hours and hours of using it.
Most of the photos I've shared above were taken using the Canon app on my iPhone connected to my 6D with WiFi. It was a little limiting and would be a lot easier if you’re just the photographer and not the subject as well. I got a few shots of Darrell that I love and next time we set this up I’m going to spend more time without the tripod. But for a first attempt I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out.
It really just came down to patience and time. I'm looking forward to picking out some different shots for our next session. I'm going to dig through my landscapes from Death Valley and Yosemite soon because I think a lot of fun could be had with those. Or maybe photograph something new, it's a great excuse to go on a photo date.