Collected Thoughts on Motherhood

messy toys


I felt very alone in being a parent at first. Overwhelmed. Adrift. So much so that I struggled to find the woman I’d been before. I thought if I could find her, I could follow her back to the point where she’d become me, the woman in the moment where everything inside had been distilled to one word: mom. - read the rest over at Medium


In 2016 I had the honor of participating in Listen to Your Mother here in Oklahoma City at the Will Rogers Theater. The whole idea was to Give Motherhood a Microphone and to share all aspects of motherhood; being one, finding one, losing one, and having one. It was a scary experience for me to get up on a stage in front of a packed theater and share my story about Graham's birth but I'm so glad I did and I'll treasure the memory forever. Watch the reading on YouTube here.

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kids walking


Last night my four year old told me he didn't need help getting into bed or under the covers. My three year old clung to me. I'm struck by their differences, their personalities, where they are in their lives, the gaps in their ages, between the mommy hold me and the no mommy, I got this. - read the rest of the story here

considering motherhood

Mom. Mother. Momma. Ma. The title is unimportant because it is the arms that reach for you, the smile that greets you. Biological or found, loved despite differences and time. Someone you can't shake loose and reflected in your mannerisms and speech. Someone you return to because where else would you go? - read the rest here

child writing

baby feet

Thoughts for my children

I am always me, a wife or mother yes, but ME beneath those things. I am a writer, a reader, a lover of all things bookish and a craver of cinnamon rolls. But those things are made greater, better, given depth and soul and meaning because of my love for my family.  - read the rest here

on my mother’s birthday

My mother is a pair of hands first; a blurred figure, a face I tilt my neck back to see. The flash of a smile, a pair of arms that reach around me and lift. - read the rest here
